Media Project Reflection

Material: Pool noodle
Innovation: Finger basketball & Adaptive Shovel 
Case: Maurice diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 

I have learned a lot about embracing creativity and confidence while completing the media project assignment. Being given a house-hold item and a diagnosis was intimidating at first, but made me trust my knowledge. This assignment allowed me to gather and explore all the information I have learned so far in graduate school, trust that knowledge, and create something new and purposeful. This project allowed me to gain confidence in my abilities and stretch my creativity to make something client-centered and occupation based out of a household item. Going forward, I know more now about the importance of client-centered interventions. When I was brainstorming interventions to create with a pool noodle, my first few were just based around reducing rigidity while stretching and strengthening finger muscles. I kept lacking the client-centered idea I needed. When I was thinking about what made Maurice unique, I was able to come up with an idea that was specific to his interests. I was able to create an innovation to help rekindle Maurice to his farming days and to help him care for something again, like he did his cattle. 
This assignment helped me hone in on my creativity to lead me to think about what Maurice needed out of an intervention.  I wanted to create an activity that would help Maurice maintain his abilities, so he can be as independent as possible. The finger basketball game helped Maurice exercise his abilities that are allowing him to finger feed himself. The activity physically prepares Maurice to do an activity that was centered around his interests with the adaptive shovel. I really wanted to incorporate Maurice making choices in my innovation. I feel like making decisions helps someone feel freedom and independence. I wanted Maurice to feel independence and peace about being away from home. By helping Maurice maintaining his ability to feed himself, and giving Maurice a choice of different plants to pot, I was attempting to guide Maurice to feeling independence and peace.  My biggest take away from this assignment will be to think about the special factor that a client has and create an intervention that is specific to them. We have learned about the importance of client-centered interventions in every class, but being given a client and their barriers helps me to grasp the importance on a deeper level.

Adaptive Shovel

Finger Basketball
